Thursday, February 3, 2011

winter all over the world.....

Who is sick of winter? Besides ME! Oh, come on, I know you are! My sister in Indiana reports her cul de sac to be an ice skating rink, a friend in Texas tells me that they've had no power for two days, and a Facebook friend in Chicago writes of a closed airport because of feet and FEET of snow! Here, we are enjoying super-duper inversion with intense drops in the temps....and I've about had it!

I am longing for the days of flip flops, lazy days on the grass, trips to the beach, feeding the ducks, picnics, jogs in the morning WITHOUT my limbs freezing off, and most of all....seeing other people. Our neighborhood is like a ghost town in the winter time. It is lonely.

I seriously can't fathom having the desire to build one more snowman this winter. "No, more snowmen".....

However....I have a solution to dodging the three foot snowman. Minis! Mini snowman! I found them here....

Look how cute:

So next time it snows (and it WILL!)...I am going to suggest that we make THESE little minis instead...

1 comment:

Joy said...

Did you forget that the trips to the beach and days with flip flops are in our NEAR FUTURE????????? Hooray for the Bahamas!!!