Wednesday, March 24, 2010

not your typical Barbie......

You know, Barbie has always been criticized for being too "fake"....too "made up" and the feminists have always hated her for being too much like an old fashioned ideal of a woman. She really needs to get with the times, right? Like she has her place and Ken has his place.......But hey, look what I found in my daughter's room tonight! Take a DARN good look.......

Can't really tell what's going on? This is how I see it.....look a little closer......
Ken is NAKED. That's right. Totally nude. From what I see here, Barbie is making her man go naked. Who's in charge NOW?!!!!! "Take it all off, Ken!" It looks like he's whispering compliments in her ear, too........Barbie is A LOT smarter than she's been given credit for...
I have to wonder what was going through my missy's head when she was playing this out....I guess you are never too young!

Had to share my very amusing find.


Nicole said...

Cracking me up right now! I totally remember Whitney in the "naked Barbies" phase. Yep, definately gotta wonder what they are playing!! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh! this made me laugh so hard! syd is a crack up! i totally remember dressing...well stripping my dolls down.

Joy said...

Oh my goodness, this is hilarious! I really want to know what was going through her head on this one, too!!! hahaha.

Nicole said...

Adrienne- Need your help...please! Trying to change the look of my blog and want to have the words roll like yours do on this blog. Do you have a site you refer to for changing HTML? Thanks much!

Julie Pia said...

Oh my! Ken is really getting desperate these days isn't he??? Barbie could do so much better....

Katie Hendrickson said...

cracking.up.out.loud! This is too funny and I love that you captured it on film. She will die one day when you show her these pics. Love you.