Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"spark"-le of a night

I tried to count how many times the word "spark" was used in last night's finale of the Bachelor....and I lost count after twenty five. "That certain spark was missing"......."you and I just needed a certain spark"..."Vienna and I had a spark"...it was definitely the word of the evening. Also a word of the evening? IMMATURE

Jake obviously likes very immature girls. Period. I am not saying that Vienna is a bad person. In fact, I liked her better than I ever have last night. BUT.....really, Jake? Her? She acts like she's still in junior high, and I will NOT miss this phrase: "This is my fairytale....this is the fairytale that I've always dreamed of." Get with it, girlfriend. Reality is going to set in faster than you can say, "Sugar daddy buys me all the dresses I want."

There were a few CLASSIC moments during which I was laughing outloud:

"Vienna makes me feel like I'm the only guy in the room." Jake....... sweetie...... 99.9% of the time, you ARE the only guy in the room....EVER! Chris doesn't count.

"Vienna is just drop dead gorgeous." Laughter. Her?

"Does it worry you that we have such an emotional connection and not so much a physical one? I'm not talking 'sexual'....".......Tenley, you go girl....."Then what DO you mean, Jake? Because you've been on me like a rat on a freakin' cheeto!"

The cheeeeeesiest moment of the night for me, other than the serenade of "On The Wings of Love" (gag) was when the two helicopters were flying in the background behind Jake, as he was waiting on top of the mountain. Oh my gosh, I was waiting for them to collide. That would make Bachelor history for sure.

And I'm sorry, but the producers of this show need to MIX IT UP a little! WHY oh WHY does the girl who's going to get dumped always show up FIRST!? That ruins it for me! As soon as I saw Tenley get out of her flying limo first, I just knew it was over for her. Duh, mix it up.

I knew Alli would be our next Bachelorette, you know I'll be watching! Can't say I'll be watching Jake on Dancing with the Stars, though. I'm not sure I can handle seeing Vienna on the front row every night drooling over her "fairytale prince".......sorry ABC.


Salisbury Family said...

I had to fast forward through the recap of Jake and Vienna's adventure...it was nauseating.

I also don't think it was an oversight that we didn't hear from Jake's dad about Vienna. I think he loved Tenley...

I still can't believe out of all of the girls...he chose her.


Joy said...

VERY well said, all of it! Thanks for making me laugh. Can't wait for Alli!!!

Candi said...

I agree about the 'spark'...seriously, Jake, you aren't smart enough to come up with something better to say?!?! Just goes to show that maybe he and Vienna are perfect for each other! Losers!

And I was hoping too that maybe they had switched it up some and Tenley would be the one he picked. :(

Annie G. said...

Can I please just get something off my chest? OK, thanks. Vienna is so not cute and Tenley is freaking adorable. In fact, I would go as far to say that Vienna is ugly..probably because of that hideous dress she was wearing. What was Jake thinking? Ahhh...I feel so much better and so shallow all at the same time! As for dancing with the stars...I'm pretty sure you are supposed to be a STAR and right now Jake is not living up to that title. Pick again ABC.