I'm wondering, after last night's previews at the end of Bachelorette...."Why watch the rest?" They basically tell you everything that's going to happen until the end! THANK YOU ABC! Some warning might have been nice....like, "Coming up on this season of the Bachelorette...and by the way, please mute your television if you'd like to be somewhat suprised in the next few weeks." I mean, really? Could they have revealed much more? We know Frank has a complete meltdown, Ali is suicidal, and Ty is in Tahiti. Duh. Where is Chris L. during all of this? Prepping to be the next Bachelor, me thinks.
Two words, Rated R......Good. Bye.
And yes, you are famous, don't worry. A famous LIAR. Way to go. And I love the exit....keep on walking. Walk away, psycho.
And Frank....hope you've found the perfect spot for that absolutely fabulous Turkish rug that you bought (that you absolutely WERE NOT going to buy....)....you'll be needing it to curl up on and bawl your eyes out after you break Ali's heart. I'm starting to think that Frank may have split personalities....it may be a good thing for Ali if he does end things. A little bit too unstable for me....
Roberto.....olive oil......shirt off......
Hi, I'm back, I totally got sidetracked for a minute. Wow.