Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why go on?

I'm wondering, after last night's previews at the end of Bachelorette...."Why watch the rest?" They basically tell you everything that's going to happen until the end! THANK YOU ABC! Some warning might have been nice....like, "Coming up on this season of the Bachelorette...and by the way, please mute your television if you'd like to be somewhat suprised in the next few weeks." I mean, really? Could they have revealed much more? We know Frank has a complete meltdown, Ali is suicidal, and Ty is in Tahiti. Duh. Where is Chris L. during all of this? Prepping to be the next Bachelor, me thinks.

Two words, Rated R......Good. Bye.

And yes, you are famous, don't worry. A famous LIAR. Way to go. And I love the exit....keep on walking. Walk away, psycho.

And Frank....hope you've found the perfect spot for that absolutely fabulous Turkish rug that you bought (that you absolutely WERE NOT going to buy....)....you'll be needing it to curl up on and bawl your eyes out after you break Ali's heart. I'm starting to think that Frank may have split personalities....it may be a good thing for Ali if he does end things. A little bit too unstable for me....

Roberto.....olive oil......shirt off......


Hi, I'm back, I totally got sidetracked for a minute. Wow.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

pass the kleenex....

I'm not a huge lover of sequels, but can I tell you that our family has been anticipating the release of Toy Story 3 for a year! Even my 2 year old couldn't wait! And let me tell you, it was worth it. Every last tear shed. Every last piece of buttery popcorn consumed. Every last piece of my heart broken.

Yep, I bawled like a baby. Like, four times, to be exact. This film pulled at my heart strings...well, every mother's heart strings. If you have a child that is going to grow up, outgrow his/her childhood, move away from home, etc. etc.....bring the kleenex. I held my 2 year old son and cried like a baby into his hair. I was a mess. And later on that night, I got a glimpse of his "Toy Story" sippy cup and started crying all over again. Even the "Toy Story" potty seat cover brings me to tears. Somebody hold me!

This movie isn't lacking in humor either. Just wait until you see Buzz get switched to "Spanish mode".....and start dancing the Samba, or whatever that was. I was dying. The whole theater was laughing. And another notable part? Mr. PotatoHead turns into Mr. Tortilla. Wow. Genius.

An absolutely fabulous part of this movie was the addition of Ken. The Dreamhouse and his wardrobe is hysterical. The fashion show with Barbie is so so funny. You will die laughing during the "groovin' "......... and what a MAN Ken is.....
A moving part for me? Without spoiling the movie......when the toys think that their time is "up"...and they look at eachother and reach for everyone's hands. Yep, of course I started bawling. And when Andy plays with his toys for the last time, I think even my eight year old got a tear in his eye. Why do our kids have to grow up? WHY!

As my sister would say, if you don't cry in this movie, you are emotionally dead inside. This ranks right up there with The Notebook on my cry list.....

Maybe I'm still recovering from the Jake/Vienna breakup.....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

oh the agony.....

Well, don't worry, I have mopped myself up off of the floor and think I have a grip.....click here for the most shocking news of the day...oh, for the love!Never mind the fact that I had my outfit all picked out for the "televised wedding of the year"...looks like I'll be taking THAT back! Thanks, Vienna, for shattering my dreams of a 'fairytale' romance. Now I have to go burn my copy of "On the Wings of Love".......way to go! I had it all ready for the big day......

Moment of silence.

Ok, on to last night's episode that made Bachelorette history for me. Never has a contestant been left alone on a volcanic glacier to fend for themselves and freeze their butts off while the Bachelorette and her snazzy man flew away in a getaway-copter. Can you say, "Classy?" Looks like Ali had NO desire to guard and protect YOUR heart, Kasey. I would head straight to the Tattoo Removal shop if I were you. In fact, you can't get there fast enough.

Justin, wow. Never have I disliked someone more. Well, maybe crazy Craig, the hair douche. But Justin, you are a bully. A big Rated-R bully. And from the sound of things, you get around. Can't wait for next week's Rated-R BOOT. (no pun intended......"boot"....)

Looks like our mystery man of the season....Chris N. finally got eliminated. No surprise. None at all. Never saw him coming, ....or going, for that matter. What, did he say like five words the whole episode? I couldn't tell if he was talking, mumbling, singing.......hmmmmm. He did, however, let Ali know how "funny" he is......hilarious.

Still sticking to my final picks. Chris L. and Roberto. Love both of them. Seriously.

Now I have to go take my Prozac........(sniff sniff....WHY Vienna, WHY!?!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Um....cover your mouth!

Sorry I missed my "Bachelorette Analyzing Post" last week, but I was visiting my sister and we actually got to watch it together, which was such a treat. It took us like, four hours, to make it through the episode. We had to pause it every few seconds to analyze, make fun, etc. etc.....

UM....., shall we wait and see if on the next episode of Bachelorette d-r-a-m-a if everyone (well, almost everyone....) has contracted the death plague that little miss sunshine had this week? Seriously? I would rather die than make out with someone that sounded like that! I don't think she's ever made out with this many guys in one episode. Ever. Boy, are they going to be sorry!

Now, I am just going to ask the question that EVERYONE is wondering.

Wait for it.



Does anyone know?


Chris N. is his name. He hasn't had a SINGLE conversation with Ali on the show thus far....and yet she keeps giving him one rose after another. I don't get it. Please, someone help me.

And does it need to be pointed out that our sweet Roberto got his groove on? I mean, the guy can MOVE! He has the whole package. How cool is that?

Kasey. Do you dream about rainbows and peaches and all things magical at night? Are you sure that you are here to protect and guard her heart? Really? I'm not sure you got that point across. Might want to tattoo it on your chest or .....something. Or here's a better idea, put it into a really annoying, extremely awkward song/serenade. Twice.

So here's my final picks, folks......it's gonna be Robert and Chris L. in the last ceremony. Frank might have a chance...if he doesn't decide he's bored and need a change of scenery. (remember he likes to move around a lot...a bit too unstable for me!)

Friday, June 4, 2010

take me out to the ballgame.....

Anyone who has a child who plays on a sports team knows that sometimes you get to know the other mom's really, really well..and you live, eat, breathe, sleep whatever sport you are playing, but especially baseball.....my son played on a baseball team this year that went undefeated in the regular season, and made it all the way to the championship.....I'm not proud or anything!

We always bring treats and gifts to celebrate the end of the season, and I thought it would be fun to make each of the cute moms a fun shirt to cheer our team on to the end. And our boys thought we were FABULOUS. They kept turning around from the dugout to check out their cute moms....it was so fun.

Michael's Crafts has an excellent deal on tee's right now, 2 for $5, and then I just bought the cute fuzzy iron on letters, and this easy project only took a few hours. A lot of ironing, but worth every minute. Talk about proud boys! Go Red Sox! You can check out my family blog for some Red Sox pics.....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

that boy is Poisssooooonnnn......

Tell me that the song, "Poison" did not go through your head all night after watching this episode. Just tell me. I know it did.

Didn't yo mama teach you not to bully the other kids, Craigers? Oh wait, she probably did...but since you are freakin' 34 years old, it's probably been a while since you got some motherly wisdom....better move back in with mama!

What a bully! I mean, SERIOUSLY?!!!! People still act that way SOBER? It was like he was a drunken fool, wandering around looking for people to make fun of and bully and insult. I just can't believe someone didn't hit him in the face. I was just waiting for it. Instead, they just sat there and giggled. Dumb.

I actually felt a little sorry for the Weatherman, the brunt of all the jokes. He bugs, but noone deserves that.

And the photo shoot? What was up with him running his fingers through his own hair every two seconds? GAG!!!! Nice sweater tied around your neck, too, preppy boy. You are inlove with yourself, 100 %. Take it back to the 80's.....

I still like Ty, but I didn't see a lot of chemistry there (sniff, sniff)....that's ok, because she has....

that's right.....Roberto.
Big BIG yummy sigh.

What a great guy! AND.......he plays baseball. What could be sexier than that?

I still like Jesse, too....just a real down to earth guy. And I think she really liked him, too. It will be good to see Chris L. get some screen time on the next episode, maybe he'll actually get a date.

Oh, and let me just put in a shout out for this guy:
Justin. The Poor Guy. What a trooper. I can't believe how hard he's worked to keep up on his crutches. And the whole pack just leaves him there to hobble for himself. I think Ali could have taken a little more time to seek him out and see how he's doing. Instead she flits off with the pack down the beach...."How ya doin' back there, Justin?"..........not too classy. Somebody get that guy one of these:

A Segway....a scooter....a something!