Tuesday, June 22, 2010

oh the agony.....

Well, don't worry, I have mopped myself up off of the floor and think I have a grip.....click here for the most shocking news of the day...oh, for the love!Never mind the fact that I had my outfit all picked out for the "televised wedding of the year"...looks like I'll be taking THAT back! Thanks, Vienna, for shattering my dreams of a 'fairytale' romance. Now I have to go burn my copy of "On the Wings of Love".......way to go! I had it all ready for the big day......

Moment of silence.

Ok, on to last night's episode that made Bachelorette history for me. Never has a contestant been left alone on a volcanic glacier to fend for themselves and freeze their butts off while the Bachelorette and her snazzy man flew away in a getaway-copter. Can you say, "Classy?" Looks like Ali had NO desire to guard and protect YOUR heart, Kasey. I would head straight to the Tattoo Removal shop if I were you. In fact, you can't get there fast enough.

Justin, wow. Never have I disliked someone more. Well, maybe crazy Craig, the hair douche. But Justin, you are a bully. A big Rated-R bully. And from the sound of things, you get around. Can't wait for next week's Rated-R BOOT. (no pun intended......"boot"....)

Looks like our mystery man of the season....Chris N. finally got eliminated. No surprise. None at all. Never saw him coming, ....or going, for that matter. What, did he say like five words the whole episode? I couldn't tell if he was talking, mumbling, singing.......hmmmmm. He did, however, let Ali know how "funny" he is......hilarious.

Still sticking to my final picks. Chris L. and Roberto. Love both of them. Seriously.

Now I have to go take my Prozac........(sniff sniff....WHY Vienna, WHY!?!)


Salisbury Family said...

tee hee! My favorite was when asked, what is your guilty pleasure...Chris N said...um...I like Mexican food.

What the?

Joy said...

Oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard right now for so many reasons. First of all, hair douche, bwahahaha!!! He seriously was. Okay, I don't know why she didn't just go ahead and eliminate Justin right along with Casey, but whatever. Also, Chris N. Guilty pleasure? Ummmm...I was dying. So many good lines this episode.
Seriously, though, prozac is no laughing matter. You know I can't get through my day without it. ;)

The Peach.... said...

I was actually thinking more along the lines of heavy liquor......maybe a couple of trips to Sonic